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Disciples of Christ Christian Ministries is based in Atlanta, Georgia.The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is the Head of this ministry and we follow Him. The book of Matthew, the 16th chapter, and the 24th verse is the basis by which the name of our ministry was inspired. This verse symbolizes the importance of self-denial and the importance of following God. It also reiterates the purpose of Jesus' coming to earth (John 3:17) and his mission to bear the cross for our sins. We believe in the Bible and every word written there in. The Word taught is through the leading and by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Our aim is to take the Word of God and apply it to every day Christian living.We do not discriminate against any denomination established for God and carried out according to His Word. Also, we do not discriminate against any race, color, sex or physical disability. We believe that God placed us here to dwell together in love and unity so that we all may inherit the Kingdom of God.Our prayer is that you will learn the sincere Word of God, and will use it daily in drawing closer to the Father. If we can be of service to you in your spiritual quest, please feel free to contact us.

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